Empowering ventures to scale and internationalize

Welcome to Growth Hub!

Source of expertise for venture scaling and new market entry

Training for managers on how to start, grow, and scale a technology venture. Uses a gated system and action-oriented principles built from decades of advanced research and real-world experience. Programs provide access to knowledge, approach and resources on what and how ventures scale. Venture managers develop knowledge through an applied learn-by-doing approach. Program offering and professional development certification can be white-labelled by client organization. Program is ideal for those who view scaling as highly important and have low satisfaction for current access to actionable expertise.
Training for ventures to develop capabilities needed to go global. Venture manages learn to plan for and manage the organizational changes involved in transforming from a domestic venture to a transnational venture. This action-oriented program transfers skills and acts as a cross-border bridge to enable the successful entry of ventures into new markets. Program can be white-labelled and serve as a core process for larger international initiatives. Program is ideal for those who understand that going global early and rapidly is critical to scale yet lack access to expertise and high-value foreign connections.
Consulting services for companies interested in expanding into new markets. Streamlined and supported access to India, China, and Nigeria. Available to companies of all sizes. Opportunity identification, connection to local partners, access to funding. We apply the deep knowledge we use in our training programs to enable your company to profitably establish in new rapidly growing foreign markets.

For further information, please contact:

Eduardo Bailetti, Founder and CEO at eduardo@growthhub.ca

Thank you for your business and support

Get off the Ground

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Transition into scale

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Home Base
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada